The Accidental Sales Manager: How to Take Control and Lead Your Sales Team to Record Profits【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】
The Accidental Sales Manager: How to Take Control and Lead Your Sales Team to Record ProfitsKey skills to make sales managers better developers of salespeople Get out of the firefighting business and into the business of developing the people who develop your profits. Successful salespeople rightfully become sales managers because of superior sales records. Yet too often these sales stars get stuck doing their old sales job while also trying to juggle their manager role, and too often companies neglect to train their sales managers how to excel as managers. That's the "sales management trap," and it's exactly what The Accidental Sales Manager addresses and solves. Full of helpful steps you can apply immediately?whether you're training a sales manager, or are one yourself?this practical guide reveals step-by-step methods sales managers can use to both learn their jobs and lead their teams. Get tactics to stop burning time and exhausting yourself, while taking effective actions to use time better as a leader Discover how to integrate learning into leading and make sales meetings an active conversation on what works and what doesn't Author has a previous bestseller, The Accidental Salesperson Don't get caught in the "sales management trap" or, if you're in it, get the tools you need to escape it. Get The Accidental Sales Manager and lead your team to do what you do best: make sales, drive profits, and get winning results.Dimensions: 22.89 x 16.18 x 2.31 centimetres (0.44 kg)セールスマネージャーをセールスマンの開発者により良くさせるための重要なスキルソフィトビジネスから抜け出し、あなたの利益を育てる人々を育てるビジネスへ。
これは、Accidental Sales Managerが対応して解決したこととまったく同じです。
寸法:22.89 x 16.18 x 2.31センチメートル(0.44 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。
- 商品価格:2,927円
- レビュー件数:0件
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DENTAL 関連ツイート
@tskobl な……何を……特定したんでしょう……
:(´◦ω◦`):ガクブル@komekome_dental 2019/03/14 18:09
@dstyle_dental 2019/03/14 20:11
@20xxkaranoowari 真面目とは……
……あっ、うん、ええ。真面目ですよ(汗)@komekome_dental 2019/03/14 18:23