Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】
Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental MeditationInstant New York Times Bestseller A simple, straightforward exploration of Transcendental Meditation and its benefits from world authority Bob Roth. Oprah Winfrey and Jerry Seinfeld. Ray Dalio and Ellen DeGeneres. Gwyneth Paltrow and Howard Stern. Tom Hanks and Gisele B ndchen. What do they have in common? The answer is a Transcendental Meditation teacher named Bob Roth, who has spent the past forty-five years helping many thousands of people access their innate creativity and power through this simple, nonreligious technique. Roth's students range from titans of business and the arts to federal prisoners, from war-scarred veterans to overworked moms and dads. Medical experts agree that the epidemic of stress is damaging our physical and emotional health at younger and younger ages. While there is no one single cure, the Transcendental Meditation technique is a simple practice that dramatically changes how we respond to stress and life's challenges. With scientifically proven benefits-- reduced stress and anxiety, and improved focus, sleep, resilience, creativity, and memory, to name a few--this five-thousand-year-old technique has a clear and direct impact on our very modern problems. Once a skeptic, Roth trained under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the twentieth century's foremost scientist of consciousness and meditation, and has since become one of the most experienced and sought-after meditation teachers in the world. In Strength in Stillness, Roth breaks down the science behind Transcendental Meditation in a new, accessible way. He highlights the three distinct types of meditation--Focused Attention, Open Monitoring, and Self-Transcending--and showcases the evidence that the third, Self-Transcending, or Transcendental Meditation, is a uniquely accessible, effective, and efficient way to reduce stress, access inner power, and build resilience. Free of gimmicks, mystical verbiage, and obscure theory, Strength in Stillness offers a clear explanation for how Transcendental Meditation can calm the mind, body, and spirit.Dimensions: 19.3 x 12.7 x 2.29 centimetres (0.24 kg)インスタント・ニューヨーク・タイムズベストセラー世界の権威であるボブ・ロスの超越瞑想とそのメリットのシンプルで直接的な探求。
Oprah WinfreyとJerry Seinfeldです。
Ray DalioとEllen DeGeneres。
トムハンクスとジゼルB ndchen。
寸法:19.3 x 12.7 x 2.29センチメートル(0.24 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。
- 商品価格:3,214円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0(5点満点)
DENTAL 関連ツイート
好発部位は、上顎第二乳臼歯、第一大臼歯。@Dental_Note 2019/03/14 21:48
@hana_dental でも言ってやりたいぞ!
@kazuwotaku39 2019/03/14 19:45
@tabasuko3 2019/03/14 17:00